DEAR sophomore girl -ur perfect and pretty but some people say your to young
DEAR some people- you have no wright to say anything
DEAR girlfriend I almost had -it almost worked but I never thought about you while not with you
DEAR friends girlfriend-your nice but I'm worried
DEAR hall couple who hold their hugs for way to long -just stop it's vary awkward for every one
DEAR creative writing vergin- it gets easier I promise
DEAR lost friend- I now ur there and I hope u come back
DEAR talented people- teach me some stuff so I can impress the girl I will never get!
DEAR girl I'll never get- I hope u know my name
DEAR mission-I'm coming for, I'm not giving up I'm just taking a break
DEAR Mormons- there's way to much judgement coming from u
DEAR new lost friend- I try to hold on but the rope is getting thinner I think u are cutting it
DEAR all friends- I love u more than u can comprehend
DEAR 6th grade teacher- I didn't drop out like u said I would
DEAR mom don't look under my bed cuz we both know that's were I hide my " clothes"
DEAR deer my sister hit in my car- how did u get to byu
DEAR guy in my ward who hates long hair- forget u ur bald so shut up
DEAR long hair kids- stay young and be different